Ceremonia de Cierre Posted on %d 28UTC %B 28UTC %YSeptember 29, 2013 by admin ISA Medals. Credit: ISA/ Rommel Gonzales ISA Trophy. Credit: ISA/ Rommel Gonzales ISA Trophy. Credit: ISA/ Rommel Gonzales ISA Judges. Credit: ISA/ Rommel Gonzales ISA Oficial Judges. Credit: ISA/ Michael Tweddle Rachael Tilly, Simone Robb, Justine Dupont and Megan Godinez. Credit: ISA/ Rommel Gonzales RSA - Simone Robb. Credit: ISA/ Rommel Gonzales RSA - Simone Robb. Credit: ISA/ Rommel Gonzales RSA - Thomas King. Credit: ISA/ Rommel Gonzales Team South Africa. Credit: ISA/ Rommel Gonzales Team Brazil. Credit: ISA/ Rommel Gonzales Team Brazil. Credit: ISA/ Rommel Gonzales Team Hawaii. Credit: ISA/ Rommel Gonzales Team Peru. Credit: ISA/ Rommel Gonzales Team Brazil Cooper Medal Aloha Cup. Credit: ISA/ Michael Tweddle Team Brazil Cooper Medal Aloha Cup. Credit: ISA/ Michael Tweddle Team Brazil Copper Medal 2013 ISA World Longboard Championship. Credit: ISA/ Michael Tweddle Team Australia. Credit: ISA/ Rommel Gonzales Team Australia Bronze Medal Aloha Cup. Credit: ISA/ Michael Tweddle Team Peru Silver Medal ISA Aloha Cup. Credit: ISA/ Michael Tweddle Team Peru Silver Medal ISA Aloha Cup. Credit: ISA/ Michael Tweddle Team Peru Silver Medal Aloha Cup. Credit: ISA/ Michael Tweddle Martin Coret, Honolua Blomfield, Caio Santana and Ethan Pentz. Credit: ISA/ Rommel Gonzales HAW - Honolua Blomfield Gold Medal in Junior. Credit: ISA/ Michael Tweddle HAW - Honolua Blomfield Gold Medal in Junior. Credit: ISA/ Michael Tweddle HAW - Honolua Blomfield. Credit: ISA/ Rommel Gonzales HAW - Honolua Blomfield. Credit: ISA/ Rommel Gonzales FRA - Justine Dupont. Credit: ISA/ Rommel Gonzales Rachel Tilly and Simone Robb. Credit: ISA/ Rommel Gonzales USA - Rachael Tilly. Credit: ISA/ Rommel Gonzales USA - Rachael Tilly. Credit: ISA/ Rommel Gonzales RSA - Simone Robb Gold Medal in Open Women. Credit: ISA/ Michael Tweddle RSA - Simone Robb Gold Medal in Open Women. Credit: ISA/ Michael Tweddle HAW - Megan Godinez. Credit: ISA/ Rommel Gonzales Martin Coret and Honolua Bloomfield. Credit: ISA/ Rommel Gonzales RSA - Simone Robb Gold Medal in Open Women. Credit: ISA/ Michael Tweddle Simone Robb from South Africa and Rachel Tilly from USA. Credit: ISA/ Michael Tweddle NZL Ethan Pentz. Credit: ISA/ Rommel Gonzales RSA - Simone Robb. Credit: ISA/ Rommel Gonzales RSA - Simone Robb. Credit: ISA/ Rommel Gonzales FRA - Antoine Delpero Gold Medal in Open Men. Credit: ISA/ Michael Tweddle FRA - Antoine Delpero Gold Medal in Open Men. Credit: ISA/ Michael Tweddle FRA - Antoine Delpero Gold Medal in Open Men. Credit: ISA/ Michael Tweddle FRA - Antoine Delpero. Credit: ISA/ Rommel Gonzales FRA - Martin Coret. Credit: ISA/ Rommel Gonzales Ben Skinner, Antoine Delpero, Phil Rajzman and Thomas King. Credit: ISA/ Michael Tweddle BRA - Phil Rajzman. Credit: ISA/ Rommel Gonzales BRA - Phil Rajzman. Credit: ISA/ Rommel Gonzales Phil Rajzman from Brazil. Credit: ISA/ Michael Tweddle Caio Santana from Brazil . Credit: ISA/ Rommel Gonzales 12►