The Location
Huanchaco is located in the North of Peru, near the major city of Trujillo. It is known for its world-class, consistent waves and its long history of wave riding. Huanchaco is also the birthplace of the popular “ceviche” dish. Before the Inca Era 3,000 years ago, Peruvians were documented riding waves on “caballitos de totora,” a small reed fishing boat and one of humanity’s earliest known surf crafts used for both work and pleasure.
In October 2012, Huanchaco was declared a World Surfing Reserve by Save the Waves Coalition as the first in Latin America and fifth in the world.
The 2013 WLC will be held during the winter, so the air temperature in Huanchaco should range between 58-64 degrees F (14.5-18 degrees C). The water temperature should range between 62-72 degrees F (16.4-22.3 degrees C). There will be 0% chance of rain since it is located in the desert.
The Wave
Huanchaco is a famous rock and sand bottom long left point-break, and similar to its close neighbor, Chicama, its long lines and sloping wave face make it perfect for longboarding. The wave can break in different sections, but on bigger days it can connect from behind the point all the way past the pier, resulting in 200-300m long rides.
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Sobre la International Surfing AssociationLa International Surfing Association (ISA) es reconocida por el Comité Olímpico Internacional como la organización gobernante del Surfing en el mundo. Fue fundada en 1964 bajo el nombre de International Surfing Federation y ha realizado los campeonatos mundiales Open desde ese entonces, el Mundial Juvenil desde 1980, el Masters desde 2007, el Mundial de Bodyboard desde 2011, el World Standup Paddle (SUP) y Paddleboard Championship y el Hainan Wanning Riyue Bay International Surfing Festival en China desde 2012. La ISA también sanciona el World Kneeboard Titles y el Tandem Surfing World Title.
Los miembros de la ISA incluyen las Federaciones Nacionales de 75 países en los cinco continentes. Sus oficinas centrales se encuentran en La Jolla, California. Es presidida por Fernando Aguerre (Argentina), electo Presidente por primera vez en 1994 en Río de Janeiro y reelecto siete veces desde ése entonces. Los cuatro vicepresidentes de la ISA son Alan Atkins (AUS), Karín Sierralta (PER), Debbie Beacham (EUA) y Layne Beachley (AUS).
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